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Desain Rumah

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Jumat, 16 April 2010

Awnings – More Than a Protection From Window Topper

Awnings – More Than a Protection From Window Topper

Home GardenAwning or canopy are a way to shade patios and decks for years. With an awning, you can both block sunlight and heat from store down through a patio door or shadows while you relax outside on a lazy Saturday afternoon. You will also find that awnings can be a big hit window and used as a way of protecting furniture and carpets from direct sunlight, which can lead to blurring.

In fact, during the hot summer, using a canopy (awning) to block the heat, you can create as many as 65% discount on your energy bill on windows facing south and as high as 77% on the windows to the east and west. Canopies are great protectors for trim around windows. Usually, when the sun shines on the wood, day after day with the rain, the wood can rot and warped. However, by using a canopy, the wood is protected.

A canopy will protect outdoor furniture on your terrace or deck, leave your windows during a mid-summer rain, reduce glare on computer screens and televisions, and best of all, they add a nice decorative touch to the aesthetics of home.

You’ll discover that awnings are usually made of fabric or aluminum. The awnings made from fabric do require a little more maintenance than an aluminum awning but also offer a better variety of color and shape. Aluminum awnings are low maintenance, sturdy, and provide a retro look.

The fun of whatever material awnings is that they both are designed to withstand high winds and heavy weather. Although a tornado or hurricane can be too much, you can be sure that most high winds will not damage the awning. In determining the size of the awning to buy, it’s really down to your personal preference. But you also want the amount of energy you need.

Awning on Modern Home Design

For example, if you add an awning on the windows to the east or west, if you want a drop from 65% to 75%. For going up awnings on south facing windows, you want the drop to be shorter, ranging from 45% to 60% coverage. Remember that window and door canopies are versatile in that they can be installed with or without side walls.

In addition Roll up and retractable awnings are an excellent choice in that they block out the sun during the hot summer months, but then the warm sun shine during the winter. The bigger the canopy, the more protection you will achieve and when you plan to install the awning on your patio or deck, the retractable model is most useful.

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